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5195 books in 381  languages
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Number of articles: 309 articles.
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Number of audios: 245 audios.

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¿Cómo integrar este mapa en su sitio web? ::: How to embed this map in your website? ::: Six verses in the New Testament say Jesus is not God, but a messenger of God. Chiluvale (Luvale) ::: Six verses in the New Testament say Jesus is not God, but a messenger of God. (Chilunda / Lunda language) ::: Six verses in the New Testament say Jesus is not God, but a messenger of God. (Zabana language) ::: Six verses in the New Testament say Jesus is not God, but a messenger of God. ::: Seis versículos del Nuevo Testamento afirman que Jesús no es Dios, sino un mensajero de Dios ::: ALLAH (IMANA IMWE Y’UKURI) AMAZINA YE MEZA MATAGATIFU ::: GUSUBIZA IBIBAZO BY’INGENZI UMUNTU YIBAZA ::: IBY’ IBANZE WAMENYA KURI ISILAMU ::: IDINI RYA ADAMU NA EVA ::: AGATONYANGA MU NYANJA ::: Religionen Til Adam & Eva ::: ISLAMS ABC ::: Islam's Teachings And How They Solve Past and Current Problems Islamic teachings were a cause for progress , advancement and civilization ::: الموجز في منهجية إثبات وجود الله سبحانه وتعالى ووحدانيته وعظيم صفاته وطلاقة قدرته وإثبات صدق دعوة نبي الإسلام محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ومصداقية رسالته ::: The Concise Methodology of Proving the Existence of the Creator God, His Oneness, His Great Attributes, His Omnipotence, the Sincerity of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad’s Call ::: Bare Tuppen av Isfjellet ::: Il bisogno dell’umanità del Messaggio di Muhammad ﷺ (volantino) ::: Le prove dell’esistenza di Allah l’Altissimo (volantino) :::

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མི་རིགས་ཀྱི་གལ་ཆེ་བའི་དྲི་བ་ཚུ་ལུ་ལན་རྐྱབ་ནི། - ཨིསི་ལམ་གྱིས་ མི་རིགས་ཀྱི་ གལ་ཆེ་ཤོས་དང་ གལ་ཆེ་བའི་དྲི་བ་ཚུ་ལུ་ ལན་བཏབ་ཨིན། ::: Ousemba wovakazendu kOvaislama - Okutengwa - Okuingonekwa - Okuṱakamisiwa ::: ĪSS ILUSTRĒTS CEĻVEDIS ISLĀMA SAPRAŠANAI ::: Kāds ir sievietes statuss Islāmā? ::: What Is the Status of Women in Islam? ::: KVINDERS RETTIGHEDER I ISLAM - RESPEKTEREDE - ÆREDE - VÆRDSATTE ::: ENHEDEN AF GUD I ISLAM ::: PROFETEN MUHAMMAD (fred være med ham) DU BØR KENDE DENNE MAND ::: VIDENSKAB I ISLAM ::: QURANEN - DEN SIDSTE ÅBENBARING TIL MENNESKEHEDEN ::: ISLAM ÄR EN RELIGION FÖR ALLA ::: ISLAM ER EN RELIGION FOR ALLE ::: ISLAM IS A RELIGION FOR ALL ::: ИСЛАМ — РЕЛИГИЯ ДЛЯ ВСЕХ ::: MESAZHI ISLAM - FE PËR TË GJITHË ::: الإسلام في 7 دقائق ::: なぜムスリム女性はヴェールをまとうのか? アイシャ ステイシー著 ::: 为什么穆斯林妇女要戴面纱?  通过艾莎史黛西 ::: WARUM MUSLIMISCHE FRAUEN EIN KOPFTUCH TRAGEN? Geschrieben von Aisha Stacey ::: Perché le donne musulmane indossano il velo? Scritto da Aisha Stacey :::
Last Videos:
EQUR'AN YA EMAKHUA (MAKHUWA) - SURAT AL-IKHLAS - SHEIKH UMAR AIUBA - QARI MUSSA SUALEH ::: Warning against the polytheism of energy healing sciences and the paganism of Hindus and Buddhists ::: التحذير من شركيات علوم العلاج بالطاقة ووثنيات الهندوس والبوذيين ::: بعض مظاهر الشرك التعلق بالتمائم والحظاظة والخيوط والبخور والعين الزرقاء ::: التحذير من الكفريات والشركيات المستمدة من وثنيات الهندوس والبوذيين مثل اليوجا والتأمل وعلوم الطاقة ::: كشف تدليس وكذب إبراهيم عيسى مؤسس مركز تكوين ::: تلاوة رائعة لسورة يوسف بدون صوت للجمهور الشيخ: سيد سعيد ::: A wonderful recitation of Surah Yusuf without the voice of the audience – Sheikh: Sayed Saeed ::: Yesu Christu ndani mu Islam - Tumbuka - Sheikh Moosa Juba ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 27 (Rregulla për leximin e Kuranit) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 26 (Ngjashmëria e shkronjave) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 25 (Hemzetul–vasli) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 24 (Shqiptimi i fjalës Allah) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 23 (Rënia e zgjatimeve) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 22 (Lidhja e fjalëve) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 21 (I–ja e gjatë dhe U–ja e gjatë) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 20 (A–ja e gjatë) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 19 (Hemzeja) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 18 (Teshdidi) ::: Abetarja kuranore – Mësimi 17 (Sukuni) :::
Last Audios:
NKỌWA ONYE BỤ EZE ỤWA NILE ::: YIYON MAHOU DE EDAGBÈ ATI DE EKLO SOKPO ::: His Beautiful Names (Audio) ::: L'unicité De Dieu en Islam (L'audio) ::: A propos de l'Islam une brève introduction (L'audio) ::: Idées fausses sur l'Islam - Que savez-vous VRAIMENT? (L'audio) ::: Jésus, un prophète de Dieu – Les Musulmans ❤ Jésus (L'audio) ::: Le droit des femmes en Islam – Respectée – Honorée – Chérir (L'audio) ::: Prophète Muhammad (paix sur lui) vous devez connaître cet homme! (L'audio) ::: THE CONCEPT OF GOD IN ISLAM - There is none greater than the Creator (Audio) ::: Corán - Coránmanta rimariykuna ::: Ateísmo imaynata Islám qhawasqanman jina ::: Islámica kamachix ::: CORAN - Coranax Suran jaljtatawa (t’aqanaka) ukhamaraki Ayat (qhanañchir t’aqanaka) ::: MUHAMMAD AKA CHACH UÑT’AÑAMAWA ::: The Religion of Adam and Eve! ::: The ABCs of Islam! ::: Surah 114 (An-Nas) The Mankind - Audio translation of the Noble Qur'an ::: Surah 113 (Al-Falaq) The Daybreak Audio translation of the Noble Qur'an ::: Surah 112 (Al-Ikhlas) The Sincerity - Audio translation of the Noble Qur'an :::

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