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Copyrights Fatwa:

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

All the praise be to Allah and peace be upon the most honourable creature, the honest Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his grand father prophet Abraham, his brethrens prophets Moses and Jesus and all his family, companions and followers till Day of Judgment.

This website presents some valuable and rare books which some brothers and sisters uploaded on the World Wide Web in Islamic forums and websites, in addition to some books from our small library.

This website aims in spreading Islamic knowledge all over the world for free without any commercial aims. And this is the least that we can do to present Islam.

We have followed the famous fatwa by El-Sheikh Ibn Baz – may Allah bless his soul – concerning copy rights of books and the possibility of benefiting from these books as long as there are no any commercial benefits.    

So you can benefit from all the contents of this website and upload them on any other websites as long as you do not benefit from them commercially. We also ask the authors, editors and administrators of websites and forums to excuse us and appreciate our goals and aims, and thus they will share us the reward from Allah.

The books on this website do not necessarily represent our point of view, but rather they express their authors’.

Consequently, we are not responsible for any information that might contradict the method of Al-Sunnah or Al-Jamma’a (injunctions, laws and practical examples of the Qur'an in action) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the rightly guided Predecessors (the Family and the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and successive generations).


We would like to thank authors, editors, press houses, websites and forums for publishing such books and we ask Allah to reward them. We also would like to notify that these books are uploaded on our website  for those who cannot get the hard copy, but this does not substitute buying these books to read and support the press houses too.

We do not upload any of these books unless two years pass after the publication of their first edition (the duration for marketing books) to avoid any loss for the authors and the publishers.

We also ask any of these books’ authors and publishers who have objection in uploading their books on our website to contact us and we will remove their books immediately from our site En-shaa Allah.   

All copyrights©2006 Islamic-Invitation.com
See the Copyrights Fatwa