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Othman Al-Khamees , Number of Items : 6
Description: Sheikh Dr. Othman Al-Khamees holds a master's degree in the hadith and a Ph.D. from King Saud University. He holds question and answer programs on television shows and social media. Al-Khamees was a debater of Sunni Muslims against Shia, as he criticized Shiite scholars and their analysts in many of their beliefs.
1 - صفة صلاة النبي ﷺ من التكبير إلى التسليم (كتيب ملون) العربية (Arabic)
2 - A Brief Illustrated Description of the Prayer of the Prophet, Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him, from Takbir to Taslim (leaflet) English (English)
3 - Una breve descripción ilustrada de la oración del Profeta, la Paz y las Bendiciones de Al-lah sean con él, de Takbir a Taslim (Del inicio hasta el final de la oración) - (folleto) Español (Spanish)

1 - ما رأيكم في مقولة لا تظلموا المثليين؟ فيديو للشيخ الدكتور:عثمان الخميس العربية (Arabic)
2 - أهمية تبليغ الإسلام العربية (Arabic)
3 - The importance of conveying Islam English (English)

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