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Islam for kids


Islam for kids

Learn Islam through fun activities and puzzles!

Islamic story + Quiz

My Hasan had three sons: Faruq, Abdullah and Qasim. He loved them very much and wanted to see them grow up as good Muslims.

Mr Hasan himself was a good Muslim and did his best to obey Allah at all times. One day, Mr Hasan wanted to test his sons. He gave each of them some sweets and said, “Eat the sweets in such a place where no one can see you, and when you have done so, come back to me.”

Faruq took the sweets and went to his room. He locked the door from the inside, said, “Bismillah,” and then ate the sweets thinking that no one could see him there.

Abdullah went to the basement of the house and he was sure that nobody was there. He said, “Bismillah,” and then at the sweets in the darkness of the room.

Qasim thought and thought about a place where he could eat the sweets without anyone seeing him. He could think of no such place. Every time he considered a place, he remembered that Allah could see him there, and so he did not eat the sweets.

Faruq and Abdullah came back and told their father about what they had done. Qasim came and returned the sweets to his father saying, “There is no place which is secret from Allah, and so I did not eat the sweets.”

Mr Hasan was very pleased with Qasim. He told Faruq and Abdullah to learn a lesson from their brother.

Mr Hasan also said, “My dear sons, always keep in mind that Allah knows everything and He sees everything. He can see us wherever we are. So we should not do anything bad – even in secret – because Allah knows and sees everything.”

Questions (circle the correct one)

1. Mr Hasan wanted his children to grow up to be:   

a) good hiders b) good Muslims c) good eaters

2. Mr Hasan did his best to:

a) Buy the best sweets b) teach hide and seek c) obey Allah

3. What should we say before eating?

a) Mmmm! b) this smells good! c) bismillah

4. Where can’t Allah see us?

a) In a locked room b) in a basement of a house c) Allah sees us everywhere


Thank You Allah

Thank You Allah for all that You give,

I know sometimes I’m naughty, so please forgive.

Please teach me to be good every single day,

And let my heart be ready and willing to pray.

Thank You Allah for Prophet Muhammad whom I love,

Please raise him in rank in Paradise above.


Why do we Worship Allah?

Choose the right words below to go into one of the spaces. Can you put them in their right place? (Note: 4 words will be left over)

Pray - Jibreel - eat - Allah - Hajj - like - Qur’an - Muhammad - Shawwal - ‘Asr - Right - Jannah - Drink - Ramadan - charity - worship - Ibrahim – Maghrib

Muslims worship God alone and His name is                          . Allah created us and He wants us to                      Him so that when we die we go to                      . To help us worship properly, Allah sent a great Prophet and his name was                 . Angel                          was sent by Allah to teach the Prophet a great book called the                     . By following the Qur’an we are taught what is                            and what is wrong. We must learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.

One great way to worship Allah and gain a lot of reward is to fast in the month

of                               . In this great month we are not allowed

to                  or                        anything from Fajr until                         . Other ways to gain reward is to                         5 times a day or to give                           to those who need it. Muslims must also perform                           once in their lifetime. When we perform this properly inshaAllah, Allah will forgive us all of our sins.


Qur’an class

Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “The best among you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it.”

Do you know how to read the Qur’an?

If not, ask something to teach you how to read and understand the Qur’an, so you can benefit from its many lessons!

For More Information & Further Pamphlets in this Series


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